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Gunsails Select boom

Gunsails Select boom
Gunsails Select boom
Gunsails Select boom
Gunsails Select boom
Gunsails Select boom
Gunsails Select boom
Gunsails Select boom
Gunsails Select boom
Gunsails Select boom
Full carbon boom for highest demands on stiffness and performance.
140 and 160 cm: Square Tail rear end for wave, freestyle and freeride
180, 200 and 230 cm: Wide Square Tail rear end and slight V-shape which gets thicker towards the rear to solid 34 mm. Range of use of these sizes are freerace, slalom and foil sails

SIze / Weight / Diameter / Rear end
140-190 2,1kg 24.5mm Loop-to-Loop
160-220 2,5kg 27.5mm Loop-to-Loop
180-240 3,4kg 29mm* Rolls
200-250 3,5kg 29mm* Rolls
230-290 3,7kg 29mm* Rolls
*in harness lines area
Available for order
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